
Monday, 20 March 2017

Square Peg, Round Hole


Fitting in has never really been my thing. I remember back in my High School days I wasn't ever part of any particular group. You know what I'm talking about - the cool group, the nerd group, the sporty group, the grunge group, the really weird group - the list goes on. And while I wasn't a part of these groups I did have a knack of getting along with them all. Some days I spent my lunch hour playing handball, others days I'd sit and talk about fashion and boys and I think this knack has carried me well throughout my adult life so far. 

I'm going to give some credit to my parents here, because obviously, this had something to do with my upbringing and them allowing me to foster my own unique personality. Thumbs up mum & dad!


I thrive off individuality. I can't stand ever doing or having anything the same as someone and will go out of my way to be different if I can. I'm pretty sure this is often frustrating for my husband (sorry darl!)

I've always found it relatively easy to make friends. I'm a wear-your-heart-on-your-sleeve kind of person. I've also very easily lost friends. I have this stupid knack of saying out loud what's in my head and that hasn't always been taken in the best of ways (sorry everyone). Emotion is not a strong point of mine either and I'm pretty sure there are a few people who would refer to me as having a heart of steel. Thankfully I also have thick skin! Becoming a mum has certainly highlighted my individuality for better or worse, sorry kids!


Fitting in has always been a struggle for me but now that I'm getting a little bit older and, hopefully wiser, I'm also getting more comfortable with who I am. I have a group of close friends who can appreciate me as I am. People that I  can completely be myself around and that's something that not everyone is lucky to have so for that I am grateful.

I hope that my kids can see my individuality as a good role model for them. That they too can be anything they want to be and that fitting in has all different types of meanings. I see this particularly in my eldest son, who has a talent of making everyone he meets love him. That, to me, is individuality done right. And it makes my heart sing.

Til next time,

Mel xx

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