
Saturday, 28 January 2017

What Lies Ahead

Happy Sunday!! Hope the weekend is treating you well. It is SO hot here and we have another scorching week ahead. We are staring down the barrel of our last week of school holidys - thank the Lord!

Apart from a few days at vacation care, this has been the first holidays that we have had both boys at home. I'd like to say it's been great but truthfully, it's been chaotic. Apart from some time off over Christmas, Ben & I have both been working so it's been a juggling act with the kids. Thankfully Ben's mum has been great, having them whenver we've been stuck and THANK GOD I have some awesome friends who have also helped out.

I am SOOOO looking forward to getting back into the routine of school and after-school activities. Our whole family thrives on it. Life just seems to go much more smoothly when we have a schedule to stick to.

That first week of school is a big one for us. William will be going into Year 1, Angus starts Kindergarten and I will be starting a new job. So exciting!! I'm really looking forward to seeing the boys thrive at school this year and it will be so good to have them back in the same location again. There will be absolutely no tears from me again this year!! 

I'm looking forward to having less stress on me in regards to my work commitments. My new job will allow me one day off a week which means I can be a little more involved at school plus have some time to myself which I am well overdue for! Working five days a week while juggling kids, homework, housework and general family life is tough. I take my hats off to those mums who do the 9-5 grind day in, day out - YOU ARE AMAZING!!

For those of you who have kids going back to school, or starting school this week - GOOD LUCK!! Just remember, you are doing an awesome job & your babies will be fine.

For those of you like me who still have to wait it out for another week, may you have the strength not to completely lose your shit and may the week go quickly for us all!


Til next time,

Mel xx

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